Chracters emerging from tablet computer

Discover the magic of storytelling.

With Storybook Genie, you don't just read stories,
you create them together.

Get started

Unleash your creativity

Everything you need to create unforgettable stories

If you're like us, you love books, and you love reading books with your children. With Storybook Genie, you can create unique, one-of-a-kind stories and magical tales together with your child. Moreover, you can make them truly interactive and immersive with real-time plot choices.

Describe the story in as much or as little detail as you want, and Storybook Genie will do the rest.
The stories you create come with illustrations that complement the storyline, bringing to life your creations.
The storylines of the books you create are not linear; you can change them as the story progresses; do you want the "baddy" to win? You choose how your story ends.
It's easy to get lost as you read and interact with illustrated stories forged from your imagination.

Story showcase

Cover image for Monkey wins in the car-napple

Monkey wins in the car-napple

Marvellous Max, races to victory at the Monaco Grand Prix in a pineapple-shaped car fuelled by pineapple juice, leaving the crowd in awe.

3 mins read

Cover image for Mona goes to space

Mona goes to space

One ordinary night, as Mona slept, a mysterious noise jolted her awake. Little did she know, it marked the beginning of an otherworldly adventure.

3 mins read

Cover image for Rocco Doodles

Rocco Doodles

Mysterious drawings found around the house lead to the extraordinary discovery that Rocco the the Cockapoo can draw!

2 mins read